【日時】2011年3月9日(水) 14:00~17:10
【場所】上智大学 2号館17階 国際会議場
【講演】 ※同時通訳付き
My research career as a Principal Investigator (PI) for 20 years in the US and 10 years in Japan: A comparison of the situations for female scientists.
Yoko Fujita-Yamaguchi (Professor, Department of Applied Biochemistry, Tokai University School of Engineering)
Careers for women in science: challenges and resources in the Netherlands and the UK.
Pauline Schaap (Professor, Division of Cell and Developmental Biology, College of Life Sciences, University of Dundee, UK)
A happy woman scientist
Teresa Suarez
(Group leader, CIB Dicty Lab Madrid, Spain)