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Faculty Information

Sophia University / Faculty of Science and Technology

Takayuki Arai
Takayuki Arai
  • Job title
  • Research
    Speech Communication, Acoustics, Acoustic Phonetics, Speech Processing for People with Communication Disorders
  • Profile

    Research and professional experience:
    2008-present Professor at the Department of Information and Communication Sciences,
    Sophia University
    2006-2008 Professor at the Department of Electrical
    and Electronics Engineering, Sophia University
    2003-2004 Visiting Scientist at the Research Lab. of Electronics,
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA, USA)
    2000-2006 Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical
    and Electronics Engineering, Sophia University
    1998-2000 Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical
    and Electronics Engineering, Sophia University
    1997-1998 Research Fellow at the International Computer Science Institute
    / University of California at Berkeley
    (Berkeley, California, USA)
    1995-1996 Visiting Scientist at the Department of Electrical Engineering,
    Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology
    (Portland, Oregon, USA)
    1994-1995 Research Associate at the Department of Electrical and
    Electronics Engineering, Sophia University
    working with Professor Yoshida
    1992-1993 Visiting Scientist at the Department of Computer Science
    and Engineering, Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology
    (Portland, Oregon, USA)
    Short-term Visiting Scientist:
    2000, August / 2001, August / 2002, August
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA)
    2001, March
    Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (Nijmegen, the Netherlands)The series of events involved in speech communication is called “Speech Chain,” and it is a basic concept in the speech and hearing sciences. We focus on research related to speech communication. The fields of this research are wide-ranging, and our interests include the following interdisciplinary areas:
    – education in acoustics (e.g., physical models of human vocal tract),
    – acoustic phonetics,
    – speech and hearing sciences,
    – speech production,
    – speech analysis and speech synthesis,
    – speech signal processing (e.g., speech enhancement),
    – speech / language recognition and spoken language processing,
    – speech perception and psychoacoustics,
    – acoustics for speech disorders,
    – speech processing for hearing impaired,
    – speaker characteristics in speech, and
    – real-time signal processing using DSP processors.(Subject of research)
    General Acoustics and Education in Acoustics (including vocal-tract models)
    Acoustic Phonetics, Applied Linguistics
    Speech Science (including speech production), Hearing Science (including speech perception), Cognitive Science
    Speech Intelligibility, Speech Processing, Speech Emhancement
    Assistive Technology related to Acoustics, Speech and Acoustics for Everybody
    Speech Processing, Applications related to Acoustics
    Speaker Characteristics of Speech(Proposed theme of joint or funded research)
    acoustic signal processing
    speech signal processing
    auditory signal processing

  • Degree

    工学士(上智大学), 工学修士(上智大学), 博士(工学)(上智大学)

  • Research Interests

    Speech Transmission, Speech Intelligibility, Speaker Characteristics of Speech, Speech and Language DisordersHearing Impairment, Speech Perception,  Psychoacoustics, Speech Analysis,  Speech Processing, Speech Recognition, Speech Synthesis, Speech Science, Hearing Science, Acoustic Phonetics, Education in Acoustics (including vocal-tract models), General Acoustics, 音響分析, 音声処理, 構音障害, Hands-on Tools, Physical Models, Speech Processing, Modulation Spectrum, Speech Disorders, Vowel, 分節的特徴,超分節的特徴, Speech Science, Speech Processing, Language Identification, Digital Hearing Aids, Intelligibility, Automatic Speech Recognition, Room Acoustics, Speech Analysis, Human Vocal Tract, Nasalization, Education in Acoustics, Cleft Palate Speech, Speech Dynamics, Speech Transmission