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Green Science and Green Engineering programs were established in the Faculty of Science and Technology of Sophia University.
Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology

This year marks the 10th anniversary since the Green Science and Green Engineering programs were established in the Faculty of Science and Technology of Sophia University. As all subjects offered by these two programs are taught entirely in English, students can learn a variety of subjects including laboratory subjects and conduct undergraduate research in English. Furthermore, one of the foremost attractions of these English taught programs is that small-group tutorials are held, allowing individual students to receive detailed instructions from teachers. Because there are few science and technology courses that allow students to complete their degree entirely in English in science and engineering departments in Japanese universities, both programs have attracted a large number of students from many countries and regions around the world.

In the Green Science program, students learn the basics of chemistry, applied chemistry, physics, and biology, all of which are based on the curriculum of the Department of Materials and Life Sciences. In the Green Engineering program, students learn the basics of physics, mechanical engineering, and electrical/electronic engineering, which are based on the curriculum of the Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences. In both programs, after studying the basic subjects extensively in the first and second years, students take specialized subjects in their third year with their future career design in view. Then, they receive specific guidance for their undergraduate research from the advisor of the laboratory that they join in their fourth year.

On top of these, graduate programs in Green Science and Engineering, which are offered only in English, are also available in the Graduate School of Science and Technology, giving students an opportunity to acquire even greater expertise. Besides learning in English, students who wish to learn in Japanese have several opportunities to do so. Students can learn with Japanese-course students when they enroll in laboratory subjects or conduct undergraduate research, which can lead to deepening exchanges. In addition, as almost all the faculties are located in the Yotsuya Campus, active interaction among students from different faculties or departments is possible, allowing students to experience Japanese students’ culture and daily campus life firsthand.

We have prepared an appealing curriculum and learning environment for students from abroad.Both the faculty and the Japanese-course students eagerly look forward to having you with us.