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Examples of classes

  • Materials and Life Sciences Laboratory A
    (Compulsory Course in the Department of Materials and Life Sciences)
    This laboratory course is intended for first-year students of the Department of Materials and Life Sciences. The purpose is to acquire through experiments basic knowledge and concepts of chemistry that are essential for studying specialized courses (chemistry, biology, and physics). Experiments consist of those from a chemical perspective (wet analytical chemistry experiments) and those from a biological perspective (mainly microscopy). The instructor, the RAs, and the TAs will teach students how to handle reagents and equipment, safety measures in experiments, and how to write reports.
    • This experiment is being performed by each student independently and not in pairs.
    • A TA (Teaching Assistant) is instructing a student how to use a volumetric pipette.
    • An instructor is teaching statistical calculations using a scientific calculator.
    • Can the student make a good alignment with the volume mark?
  • Materials and Life Sciences Laboratory C
    (Compulsory Course in the Department of Materials and Life Sciences)
    The purpose of this course is to learn the basics through experiments, focusing on techniques and theories common to chemistry and physics. Students will learn physicochemical measurement methods and analytical methods, basic synthesis of and/or separation techniques for organic monomers and polymers, and measurement of physical properties. Then, they will acquire the basics of physical chemistry and organic chemistry and the techniques and theories necessary for in-depth understanding. They will also learn how these techniques and theories are used and applied in actual research activities and in society.
    • A TA is giving instructions on how to handle experimental data.
    • An instructor is explaining polymer synthesis and how to measure viscosity.
    • A large laboratory with a capacity of approximately 140 students is used.
    • The student is measuring the hydrolysis rate of sucrose in the presence of hydrochloric acid.