Third-year student, Department of Information and Communication Sciences (Photo taken in FY2023)M.TWhile studying human informatics, a ■eld that I am interested in, I am also exploring other areas of interest, general education, and di■erent disciplines.Third-year student, Department of Information and Communication Sciences (Photo taken in FY2023)Y.GIn addition to programming skills, I am learning the underlying mathematics and processing algorithms.Please refer to “A Guide to Sophia University” for the following topics that are not included in this Guide. 01 • Message from the President • History of Sophia University • Learning at Sophia University• Introduction to Faculties and Departments • Career Support • Introduction to the Campus• Support for Student Life• Extracurricular Activities• Tuition and Scholarship• Outline of Entrance ExaminationSpecial Interview 02 Student Interview (Department of Materials and Life Sciences)03 Student Interview (Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences)04 Student Interview (Department of Information and Communication Sciences)About Our Faculty05 Message from the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology06 Message from the Dean of the Graduate School of Science and Technology07 History of Faculty of Science and Technology and Graduate School of Science and TechnologyLearning at the Faculty of Science and Technology 08 Curriculum10 FST General Subjects (Mathematics B1)12 FST General Subjects (Basic Chemistry)14 First-year Compulsory Courses15 English Language Education (English for Science/Engineering and Overseas Short-Term Program)16 Features of the ■ree Departments18 Department of Materials and Life Sciences20 Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences22 Department of Information and Communication Sciences24 Programs in English27 Academic Conferences in and outside JapanFacilities and Support 28 Facilities and Support Unique to the Faculty of Science and Technology29 Support for Women ResearchersResearch and Career 30 Message to High School Students32 Faculty Research ■emes35 Graduate Program36 Place of EmploymentContentsof Science and Technology to you.Y Technology
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