Learnng of Science andTechnologyDepartment of neering andEngiApplied Sciences41 : Students are working on exercises. 2 : An instructor is explaining the details before starting exercises. 3 : A teaching assistant is giving advice on how to solve exercises. 4 : A computer is often used for solving exercises.■Examples of classes(Compulsory Elective Course in the Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences)■e electrical and electronic engineering course o■ers three semesters of experimental classes focusing on subjects that involve hardware. By performing actual experiments, students deepen their understanding, which is di■cult to acquire through classroom lessons alone, such as the con■rmation of basic physical laws and the operating characteristics of devices of di■erent sizes, from semiconductor elements to power equipment. In Mechanical System Design Exercise II, students will learn the following subjects: (1) ampli■er circuits using transistors, (2) basic characteristics of AC circuits, (3) semiconductor devices, (4) transformers, and (5) three-phase induction motors. While conducting experiments in groups of three to four people, students learn how to cooperate with other team members and develop a sense of responsibility such that they do not leave things to others.It is important that students carry out experiments themselves.(Compulsory Elective Course in the Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences)Students will conduct exercises and experiments keeping in mind the topics of lectures on physics, especially quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics. Based on the curriculum policy of the department, students will acquire a deep understanding of basic physics and mathematics, acquire knowledge that can be applied to materials, devices, energy, etc., and develop the ability to create new functions and innovative improvements to existing technologies.Faculty of Science and Technology1: Two students are measuring the characteristics of a transformer. 2 : ■ree students are measuring the characteristics of a semiconductor device. 3 4: ■e instructor is giving instructions to groups at the experiment table. Students can ask questions on the spot. (■e instructor is pointing with a ■nger in both photos.) 2123i 14123Mechanical System Design Exercise II Experiments & Exercises in Physics II
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