Learnng of Science andTechnologyDepartment of aterials andife Sciences41 : Explicit calculation using the Hückel method and the molecular orbital method. 2 : A graduate student is explaining in response to a question from undergraduate students.3 : It is important to realize the physicochemical meaning of the results of theoretical calculation and to deepen the understanding through comparison with experimental results.4 : Linux is used as the computer operating system.■Examples of classes(Compulsory Course in the Department of Materials and Life Sciences)In this laboratory, students will study the basics of specialized ■elds (chemistry, biology, physics) in the Department of Materials and Life Sciences from a chemical perspective. Students will conduct basic experiments in chemistry, related to specialized experiments in the second half of the second and third years. Furthermore, lectures are also given on precautions for experiments, an overview of analysis and how to operate equipment, and the method of physicochemical analysis.Faculty of Science and Technology1 : Experiments on organic qualitative analysis. Experiments are conducted in pairs in this exercise. 2 : A teaching assistant (TA) is explaining thin layer chromatography (TLC). 3 : A TLC sheet is irradiated with UV light to outline the shape of the spot. 4 : ■e instructor is explaining about developing solvents for TLC.(Compulsory Elective Course in the Department of Materials and Life Sciences)In this experiment, students will learn basic methods of physical chemistry, how to use equipment, and methods of computational chemistry, and acquire advanced academic knowledge related to materials science and nanotechnology. Speci■cally, they will conduct experiments related to mass spectrometry, radiation measurements, and measurement of electronic and vibrational spectra from a microscopic point of view of the atomic and molecular levels. ■ey will also learn the basics of gas chromatography as an example of instrumental analysis. 19 23i M L14123Materials and Life Sciences Laboratory B Physical Chemistry Laboratory
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